Online vs in person school

Online vs in person school
Information, pros and cons, and thoughts on online vs in person schools in British Columbia

Navigating what schooling options will work best is different for each child/family and may change over time. Deciding what works best is a personal choice and considering the pros and cons for each can be a useful exercise.

General options:

  • In person public school
    • Notes that all public schools have teams of professionals to support students including OT, SLP, counselling, etc although at times these teams are stretched thin
    • There are some alternative learning programs available through public school such as the program available through central in SD23
  • In person private school
    • May include schools tailored for a particular learning style or value e.g. neurodivergent learning, outdoor education, religious education
  • Online public school
    • Often is more flexible with courses, elective options, and support (such as an EA, OT, etc)
    • You can apply to any online public school in BC, though [my understanding is] you will be accepted in your home district (e.g. in Kelowna is SD23 and the online school is eSchool23) and have to be reviewed to be accepted in other districts
    • They often require more caregiver input to facilitate, organize, and communicate with the school
    • Some classes require a baseline amount of ‘activity’ in the class to continue enrollment
  • Online private school
    • Often is more flexible with courses, elective options, custom courses, and support (such as an EA, OT, etc)
    • As above, they often require more caregiver input to facilitate, organize, and communicate with the school
    • Similar to the in person private school, schools may be tailored for a particular learning style or value e.g. neurodivergent learning, outdoor education, religious education though often less so than the in person private schools

Autism BC has a great article summarizing the different options available for learners that I would highly recommend and you can also reach out to use them as a resource if needed.

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